We are generally pretty private people. We have our private family blog, we're careful who gets to see our posts on facebook, and we've never wanted or sought to be famous. It it were up to us we most likely wouldn't have shared this story with the world because it's too scary putting our children and a story that is so personal and special out there for the world to see and do with what they may. This was not up to us, however. There were higher forces at work as you will see.
The day I was admitted to the hospital I was given a priesthood blessing by my husband and my brother-in-law (an ordained Elder and High Priest in our church- the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). I believe that the words of that blessing were not from them but were from the Lord. I was told in that blessing that the experience I would receive would be so that others could see the hand of the Lord in their lives as they would see His hand in my and my child's lives. I've always remembered those words, and whenever I have had an opportunity to share my story and what I learned about faith, prayers, and the Lord with others I've tried to share what I could. I had the opportunity to share my story with friends, family, and my church congregation, but I NEVER thought that I'd have an opportunity to share it with any audience larger or on such a grand scale as what happened.
How we came to be on National TV and all over the news is a miracle in and of itself and just another way we see the Lord's hands in our lives. He wanted me to share my story with as many people as possible... there is no other explanation. I was NOT the only one to experience pPROM and hold out for so long, nor was I the most impressive. I have heard countless tales, since our story aired, of mothers who sacrificed and went through so much more than I did- whose water broke earlier and who lasted longer than I did. There is no reason why we should've been chosen to share this story, except that the Lord wanted us to.
Here is how it all came about:
August- My OBGYN has a baby photo contest. I enter Gideon with a short description of his story. He wins the contest and I get a free haircut.
September- Because he wont the contest his picture appears in the Utah Valley Magazine in an ad for Dr. Saunders.
October 1- I was contacted by an acquaintance who works for ksl and saw Gideon's picture in the magazine then read his summary on Dr. Saunders site. She asked if she could do a story on him and we agreed.
October 2- Ksl.com story appeared and we felt very famous to be on such a prominent local news site.
October 6- We are contacted by a correspondent for The Daily Mail (an online British news site) in New York who saw the ksl.com article. He asks if he can do a story. After a lot of deliberation we decide that we've been told to share so we would share with the world now.
October 7- The Daily Mail article appears over night- by 10am we've been contacted by Good Morning America. At 3pm we start filming with GMA at our house.
October 8- GMA spot appears in the morning. By 11am we have been contacted by Fox and Friends- we agree to meet the next morning for a live interview (because we felt that if it was live we could share more of our story of faith and prayers than we felt we'd been able to with GMA (who cut out all of that good stuff). At 5pm we're contacted by our local KUTV who interviews us at 6:30pm for the 10 o'clock news.
October 9- We get up at 4:30am and shoot the live interview for Fox and Friends which ends up just frustrating us. The day before we'd been asked such good questions by them to prepare us, but the day of the interview we were just asked fluff questions. We agree we're not going to do any more interviews for a while- too hard on us and the kids and they only let us say what they want us to say. It's like the word God or the word Prayer is taboo or something.
October 13- We meet with Travis and Emily who are going to help us make our own video telling our own story.
October 15- Travis and Emily come over and we are interviewed for 2 hours. They take it home and start working on putting it all together. (I'll post the video when it is completed).
November 10- I decide to make a blog so I can say everything I want to say.
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